Paranormal Activity:
The Ghost Dimension

2 Waffles!

Can you believe a pathetic twentysomething, allegedly grown adult brought a TEDDY BEAR to the theater, when I saw Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension?

It didn't save her as she was screaming so loud everyone in my theater and each one on either side could hear her. Teddy Bears aren't the great defenders they used to be.

Ivy George stars as Leila - a little girl with a new imaginary friend called Toby. While cleaning up the house and decorating for the holiday, Dad (Chris J. Murray) finds an old VHS camera with some strange modifications and a box of videos from 1988 (featuring a familiar pair of little girls if you have seen the other Paranormal Activity movies).

While playing around with the camera, Dad realizes it captures strange, mystical, cloudy images that cannot be seen with the naked eye, and they are becoming more threatening and frightening by the day. One could even say these images seem to be forming into some sort of being who might be Toby!

What does Toby want?

Where does he want to take little Leila?

The whole Paranormal Activity series probably ran its course a couple movies back, but that doesn't stop capitalism from churning!

While the large group of writers tries to connect all of the dots and turn this into a comprehensive story to explain all of the events of the preceding movies, the only memorable and important parts of Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension are the shocks.

Director Gregory Plotkin holds true to the Found Footage genre formula without deviating very much from what we expect (to be fair, this franchise helped make it popular) – set up some cameras to film all night, watch some creepy stuff occur and repeat.

He finds a moment or two to make it interesting, but this movie is more about inserting some shocks, letting you feel scared, and moving on without any true challenges to follow the plot or care about any of the characters.

Plotkin and the creative team redeem themselves with a strong climactic sequence full of mayhem and visual pizzazz, which might be the only reason to see Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension in 3D.

In the end, this is an average movie, and I hope they mean it when the marketing declares this is the final chapter.

Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension is rated R for language and some horror violence.